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Solid, safe, superior. The  Deluxe Adjustable Bench is your ultimate versatile training companion; multiple saw-toothed hooks lock the 2-inch-thick back pad firmly into 6 potential angles expanding your exercise scope. Throw the bench with some dumbbells or a rack and youíre ready to build your body of steel.

3 x 3-inch beefy squared solid steel framework comfortably supports a ginormous 352kg (800lb) total load no matter the angle, this comes thanks to an even weight distribution system under the back pad. SteelBodyís designed to bring hard and heavy use equipment into the home with a commercial feel, but it can be used by anyone that's searching for true premium home gym equipment.


20' quantity 220 sets

40' quantity 484 sets

Box Dimensionsmm):

A :1155x530x210    N.W.23kg      G.W.25.5kg

Assemble DimensionsL×W×H) (mm)1090x670x1120(880)

{完结电视剧}| " target="_blank">澜沧| {新新影院}| " target="_blank">乌拉特中旗| {完结电视剧}| " target="_blank">阜新市| {VIP电影}|" target="_blank">太白县| {热播韩剧}| " target="_blank">敦化市| {热播韩剧}| " target="_blank">镇巴县| {热播韩剧}| " target="_blank">简阳市| {完结电视剧}| " target="_blank">简阳市| {热播韩剧}| " target="_blank">宁远县| {新新影院}| " target="_blank">潢川县| {VIP电影}|" target="_blank">新建县| {完结电视剧}| " target="_blank">武义县| {新新影院}| " target="_blank">永平县| {热播韩剧}| " target="_blank">太仓市| {VIP电影}|" target="_blank">平原县| {完结电视剧}| " target="_blank">义马市| {热播韩剧}| " target="_blank">江孜县| {新新影院}| " target="_blank">托克托县| {完结电视剧}| " target="_blank">修水县| {完结电视剧}| " target="_blank">建阳市| {完结电视剧}| " target="_blank">德清县| {完结电视剧}| " target="_blank">崇明县| {热播韩剧}| " target="_blank">乌兰察布市| {新新影院}| " target="_blank">嘉义县| {热播韩剧}| " target="_blank">衡南县| {热播韩剧}| " target="_blank">黑龙江省| {热播韩剧}| " target="_blank">遂宁市| {完结电视剧}| " target="_blank">扎兰屯市| {VIP电影}|" target="_blank">济源市| {完结电视剧}| " target="_blank">禄劝| {新新影院}| " target="_blank">马尔康县| {新新影院}| " target="_blank">吕梁市| {完结电视剧}| " target="_blank">平潭县| {新新影院}| " target="_blank">水城县| {新新影院}| " target="_blank">洛川县| {VIP电影}|" target="_blank">亚东县| {新新影院}| " target="_blank">旬邑县| {热播韩剧}| " target="_blank">渭南市| {VIP电影}|" target="_blank">盖州市| {VIP电影}|" target="_blank">绥江县| {完结电视剧}| " target="_blank">仙桃市|