
Weight Bench

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Add this comprehensive multi-position Olympic bench to your home gym, or add it to your current home gym to expand your options

This sturdy bench can provide a variety of exercise methods for any home gym.

The adjustable back pad allows users to move the bench press to 7 positions for horizontal, prone and inclined bench press exercises. In addition to adjustment, the back cushion is also made of high-quality, high-density foam, which provides a comfortable way to exercise.

IBL-W10240 includes a leg stretcher, allowing users to perform full-body exercises. The foam roller attached to the leg expander comfortably completes the leg extension and leg bending.

IBL-W10240  is not only comfortable and effective, but also easy to use. Conveniently store the weight plates on the 2 storage columns connected to the equipment. (Includes 2 spring clamps-does not include weights)

The 7-position adjustable seat back allows for reclining, flat and descending bench press exercises

High-quality high-density seats and back cushions bring a comfortable exercise experience

Large contour foaming roller with leg developer

2 storage posts with spring clips for organizing weight plates

Weights sold separately

Model NumberIBL-W10240

20' quantity :143 sets

40' quantity :297 sets

Box Dimensionsmm):

A :1425×650×230     N.W.:42kg      G.W.45kg

Assemble DimensionsL×W×H) (mm)2180×1500×2000

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